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When I was part of a major retail company for home - renovation, I worked on a project to replace the aftersale software instore they've been using for the past 10 years. 

Shadowing & Interviews

Part of the onboarding process in the company was to spend 2 weeks instore, to discover different positions.


During 2 days I looked at the way they worked, the process on how to take a claim from customers in the system, the different solutions - way to resolve it, etc. Then, I prepared and managed interviews to clarify what I had seen.


The process is quite complex with many people involved, from the moment the customer has an issue with his product until the claim is solved (refund or product repaired). 


Total : over 60 to 70 interviews done, in France and Poland (first country to deploy the new software).
I interviewed customers, front store collaborators, back store collaborators, logistic people, suppliers - repairers, and central accounting people.

User journey map

Based on the output, I made the user journey map:

• the customer has an issue with his product

• front store collaborator collects product and claim, proceed to refund, return the product to the customer

• back store collaborator diagnoses the product, fixes it or send it to repair

• logistic team collects - send the parcel

• supplier or repairer collects the product, confirms diagnostic and repairs when possible

• accounting manages the refund with suppliers or stores


User Journey Map on aftersale products

UX audit

When the new software was deployed in the first BU, Poland stores ; with another UX colleague, we did an audit thanks to Nielsen heuristics method, to check its usability and global experience.


The result was not great or dramatic, with 11,6/20 rank.

The tool made the job, the interface was not complicated to use except on specific use cases ; but a lot of minor things made the experience worst that it could be.


We shared report and recommandation with the editor, to help them improve the tool.


Audit UX : recommandations on editor software

User tests

Then, I decide to make user tests with store collaborators in Poland.


I imagined and tested main scenarios based on data :

• collect the product and refund the customer

• collect the product, send to repair

• get the product back and return it to the customer

• supplier refuses to repair for free and share a quotation

• send the product to repair, supplier cannot repair it and ask to refund the customer


End of the test, we shared a survey to calculate SUS score 37/100, pretty bad when we know the average score is 68. 


User test on new software deployed instore

Additional content - feature

Something in the tool was missing : how to share the information collected in the claim with suppliers.


Our suppliers previously get informations through API or received an email with a pdf to recap all the information collected. But the company was about to make this process evolve with a supplier portal to give them an access to all the necessary tools they use : to reference a product in our catalog, to share prices, sign contracts, etc.


Based on the information - feedback collected during the interviews I've done at the beginning, including suppliers, I designed screens and a prototype to link with the editor software, implement into the company supplier portal.


At this point, next steps for my substitute (I left the company at this point) were :

• plan user tests with suppliers to check the aftersale interface on the supplier portal 

• plan user tests with store collaborators in Spain (second BU to be deployed) to check the tool usability

• work on the notifications (to replace temporary email solution) integrated in the tool

interface improvement coworking with the tool editor

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