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V connect

Somfy is a company selling smart products to automate home.
Among its, V Connect is a new range of smart doorbells, giving users the opportunity to welcome a visitor from their mobile, but also to open gates and pedestrian, pilot smart home products like alarms and cameras, etc.

To be implemented in the app, I worked on pairing - installation tutorial, device controls (player, dashboard, visits history...), and settings.

Bellow, some screens when a visitor rings the bell and the user welcomes him, also history when the user missed or received a visitor.


After we've been aligned with the project team, I did sketching and validated it before to start working on the mockup.

Screen Flow

Here's the screen flow of the smart doorbell : total screens is more or less 70.

First, it is composed with:

  • installation tunnel of the product and its parameters

  • possible error screens that can appear during the installation


Then, you have different features linked to the product:

  • dashboard to check the product at any time

  • player when someone visits you - rings the doorbell

  • history to check when you  took or missed a visit

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