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Corporate HR wanted to engage managers and leaders in a disruptive and immersive way to deploy the behavior and create a digital leader journey :  must feel different from a training.


They had in mind something with tests, quizz, gamification and already designed some wireframes to describe the main ideas.

Appli Managers Demo.png

HR Team wireframes


I planned workshops with 7 company' manager, to better understand what are leader' challenges. 

After an ice breaker, the first activity was a HMW : one by one the leaders had to describe their tasks, the challenges they face offWe regrouped it by topics, and then they had to vote for the most important one to develop.


Workshop : HMW to describe tasks and challenges managers face-off


The second activity was for them to describe their journey through the learning process, the best skills development journey for them individually. Then, we precised this journey with HR.


Leader' learning process


The last workshop  was a crazy 8 : draw the different screens - flow in the app before to vote for the best one.


Crazy Eight to imagine the application


Based on the workshop, I designed the following screens - flow :​

  • Homepage - the user can choose the skills he wants to train on, and navigate in the menu : Learning / Profile / Progress / Community

  • By choosing a skills to practice, the user access different exercises like quizz, test... with a scoring.

  • Profile - he can manage different parameters like notification, way of learning, etc.

  • Progress - illustrates training results with graph, global score on exercises and other data.

  • Community - the user can check contents and feedbacks shared by the community.

Tests and recommandations

I invited 8 managers from Europe and Asia to test the prototype.

They had few minutes to navigate through the different screens and share feedback before to answer questions to check specific points like wording, navigation, content...


Based on the feedback, I listed changes recommended to improve the solution :

  • Remove profile access from the menu

  • Add a button to access to the profile parameters from the homepage

  • Precise near each challenge a timing estimation

  • Add the possibility to invite someone to make the challenge selected with user

  • Add more information related to the profile page

  • Add notification in the menu when someone respond to the user feedback shared

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