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On this project, Voice Recognition has been seen directly as solution to help researchers working in laboratory to take some notes. The mistake was to do not check precisely first, the problems end users encountered while experimenting.

Interview & Persona

I started a series of interview, to check the different working conditions in lab, the problems researchers faced off, etc. That's helped me to understand the lab researcher day to day job and also complete persona.


Laboratory researcher persona

User journey

Based on the output, I organized workshop remotely with different groups.

We worked on Google Jamboard, imagined when Voice Recognition could help them to solve the problems described during the interviews, the form it could be.

The first activity was, to describe step by step a researcher journey, the different tasks they have and when voice recognition could possibly help them to do it. 


Workshop : User journey including Voice Recognition solution

How Might We

After the user journey exercise, we continued with a How Might We to describe all the different problems they wanted to solve.

When they started this project, the only problem to solve, very global, was to use VR to take some notes while researcher are experimenting.


HMW : helped to precise all the problems they wanted to solve thank to VR

User Story

Then the next activity was ideation.

Participants had to imagine possible solutions to solve the problems they described previously.
They had to complete the following sentence : As a [...] I will use the voice recognition with a [...] to do [...] which will replace [...].


Workshop : User story on possible VR solution


Few weeks later, decision was made the technology yet could not solve the problems they had in laboratory, so they decided to implement small solutions instead, to help researchers.


The UX Research made the company avoid an expensive investment with a tool that didn't correspond to users needs.

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